The Hoosier Outdoor Writers was formed in 1969 and has brought together many diverse groups and individuals with shared interests. The Hoosier Outdoor Writers, known among its members as HOW, is a group of dedicated media professionals who are keenly interested in the wise use of natural resources in the Hoosier State.
These are the purposes of HOW:
- To improve ourselves in the art, skill and effectiveness of our craft, and to increase knowledge and understanding of the whole state.
- To help insure the wisest and best conservation of Indiana’s resources, and the most wide-spread fair use of Indiana’s recreational potential.
- To provide a vehicle for bringing together and joining in common cause all Hoosiers who by profession, hobby or interest are devoted to the outdoors.
- Conduct an annual Awards-In-Craft Contest among its members. The award winners are announced each year at HOW’s annual conference.
These are what we strive to accomplish:
- To give the profession of outdoor writing/reporting greater recognition and understanding, even higher standards and enlarged scope.
- To encourage and enforce high standards of professional ethics. Click here to see the HOW Code of Ethics.
- To strive always for the truth, accuracy, clarity and completeness in the dissemination of outdoor information.
- To help friends and fight the foes of wisely conserved Indiana resources.
